Simulation of Greenhouse Gases Emission from Different Solid Waste Management Practices in Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria



municipal solid waste, solid waste management, carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, global warming


Solid waste management (SWM) is a major challenge for most municipalities, particularly in big cities where typically the population is large, on average more affluent thus having a relatively higher consumption and waste generation rates. Research has shown that some municipalities spend up to 50% of their budget on SWM, asides from the economic burden, SWM practices have varying degrees of impacts on the environment. In this research, the solid waste being generated in Gombe, the capital of Gombe State in the north eastern region of Nigeria was profiled, the annual generation rate, characteristic and SWM practice in use were determined.  Using Gombe’s waste profile, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) GHGs emission tool was used to analyse and simulate the GHGs emission from 5 most commonly practiced SWM processes so as to determine which emits the least amount of GHGs and thus the most climate friendly. It was found that Gombe generates an average of 139,875 tonnes of MSW annually and that of the 5 SWM processes simulated, landfilling generates the most amount of GHGs into the atmosphere, the other four processes in descending order are open burning, composting, incineration with electricity recovery and anaerobic digestion. It was deduced from the observation made that in spite of anaerobic digestion being the least emitter of GHGs, incineration with electricity recovery is the most suitable SWM technique for the city because a reduction of 29,687.07tCO2eq can be achieved if it replaces the current practice of landfilling, likewise the electricity generated from the wastes can be used to supplement power supply from conventional fossil fuel sources thus reducing net GHG emissions in the city.


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How to Cite

MSHELIA, R., & Onuigbo, M. (2020). Simulation of Greenhouse Gases Emission from Different Solid Waste Management Practices in Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria. University of Wah Journal of Science and Technology (UWJST), 4, 9–14. Retrieved from